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अगस्त्यः ‘मोस्ट वान्टेड’ फिल्म

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Nima Bhusal April 3, 2024

फस्टलुकदेखि नै चर्चामा रहेको फिल्म ‘अगस्त्य च्याप्टर १’को चर्चा चुलिएको छ । सौरभ चौधरीको लेखन तथा निर्देशनमा तयार भएको यो फिल्मको फस्टलुक, टिजर र ट्रेलरपछि दर्शकको उत्साह पनि बढेको छ । अधिकांश दर्शकले फिल्मको ट्रेलरपछि हलमा टिकट काट्ने प्रतिक्रिया दिइरहेका छन् । दर्शकको स्वाद फेरिँदै जाँदा यसको मेकरले पनि त्यसलाई बुझेको देखिन्छ ।

फिल्मको ट्रेलरमा मुख्य नायक सौगात मल्लको गेटअप, एक्सन, कथावस्तु, नाजिर हुसेनको अभिनय र गेटअपले दर्शकलाई प्रभावित बनाएको छ । साथमा फिल्मका खलपात्र प्रमोद अग्रहरीको संवाद र गेटअपले पनि दर्शकलाई उत्साहित बनाएको छ ।

भारतमा एक्सन फिल्मको ट्रेन्ड चलिरहेको समयमा नेपालमा पनि विस्तारै यही लयमा फिल्म क्षेत्र दौडन थालेको छ । यदि, ‘अगस्त्य’को व्यापार बलियो भयो भने नेपाली फिल्मको कथा भन्ने शैली फेरिनेछ ।

नायक सौगात मल्लले पनि यो फिल्म आफ्ना लागि यादगार फिल्म हुने बताइसकेका छन् । नायक नाजिर हुसेनले फिल्मका लागि गरेको मिहिनेत आफैंमा रोचक छ । जन्डिस हुँदा पनि ४४ डिग्री तापक्रममा नाजिरले काम गरेका थिए ।

फागुन महिनामा यो फिल्म ‘मोस्ट वान्टेड’ फिल्मको रुपमा देखा परेको छ । यदि, फिल्मको बक्स अफिस सशक्त बन्यो भने अन्य निर्माताले पनि यस्तै फिल्म बनाउने लहर आउन सक्छ । के ‘अगस्त्य’ नेपाली फिल्मको ट्रेन्ड सेटर बन्ला त, फागुनको १८ सम्म प्रतीक्षा गर्नैपर्छ ।

The movie ‘Agastya Chapter 1’, which has been in the news since the first look, has become a hot topic. After the first look, teaser and trailer of this film written and directed by Saurabh Chaudhary, the excitement of the audience has also increased. Most of the viewers are excited to buy tickets in the hall after the trailer of the film. As the audience’s taste is changing, its maker also seems to understand it.

In the trailer of the film, the get-up of the main hero Saugat Malla, the action, the story, the acting and the get-up of Nazir Hussain have impressed the audience. Along with this, the dialogue and get-up of the film’s protagonist Pramod Agrahari have also excited the audience.

At a time when the trend of action films is going on in India, the film industry has started to run in the same rhythm in Nepal. If the business of ‘Agastya’ is strong, then the style of storytelling in Nepali films will change.

The hero Saugat Malla has also said that this film will be memorable for him. The hard work done by hero Nazir Hussain for the film is interesting in itself. Even though he was jaundiced, Nazir worked at 44 degrees.

In February, this film has appeared as a ‘Most Wanted’ film. If the box office of the film becomes strong, then other producers may also make a wave of similar films. Whether ‘Agastya’ will become a trendsetter in Nepali films, we have to wait till the 18th of February.

यो खबर हामीले मेरो फिल्मबाट लिएका हौ ।